Once upon a time, in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, a young man named David Choi harbored a dream that would one day transform the world of fine wines. But David's journey didn't start in the rolling vineyards of Napa Valley; it began amidst the hustle and bustle of the nation's capital, Washington, DC.
David's passion for wine blossomed during his tenure as the proud owner of Pearson’s Wine & Spirits, one of the nation’s most esteemed wine stores. His deep-rooted love for the art of winemaking led him on an odyssey through every facet of the industry, from importer to wholesaler. Along the way, he garnered accolades from prestigious institutions like the Jurade de Saint-Émilion and the French Ambassador, earning recognition for his dedication to French wines.
A Winemaking Partnership For The Ages
But it was David's rendezvous with Bordeaux that ignited the spark for his magnum opus. Entranced by the allure of Bordeaux's winemaking traditions, he envisioned a fusion of old-world sophistication with the bold spirit of Napa Valley. This dream crystallized into Magna Carta Cellars in 2014, a testament to David's unwavering commitment to crafting world-class wines.
Joined by the illustrious duo of Peter Heitz and Scott Palazzo, David embarked on a quest to redefine excellence in winemaking. Peter, a scion of a long line of winemakers, imbued Magna Carta with the ethos of farming passed down through generations. Meanwhile, Scott, a former denizen of the glitzy realms of music and television, discovered his true calling in the serene vineyards of Napa.
The Allure of Bordeaux Blends
United by their shared passion for Bordeaux-style blends, the trio painstakingly curated Magna Carta's inaugural masterpiece. Their symphony of flavors, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and Malbec, captured the essence of Napa's terroir while paying homage to Bordeaux's storied legacy.
At Magna Carta, quality reigns supreme over quantity, with an annual production of a mere 650 cases. Each step of the winemaking process, from vine to bottle, is executed with meticulous precision under the guidance of David, Peter, and Scott. Every varietal is treated with reverence, fermented and aged separately before being harmoniously blended into a masterpiece aged in French oak barrels for 20 months.
Magna Carta's wines, a labor of love and dedication, are a testament to the seamless marriage of art and science. They adorn the tables of Michelin-starred restaurants and grace the cellars of discerning collectors, yet remain accessible to members who appreciate the finer things in life.
As the sun sets over the vineyards of Napa Valley, Magna Carta Cellars stands as a beacon of excellence, a testament to the enduring legacy of three visionaries who dared to dream beyond the confines of convention. And in every bottle, one can taste the culmination of David Choi's journey—a journey that began with a love for wine and culminated in the creation of a timeless masterpiece.